AvroRJX Geschrieben 25. Juni 2002 Melden Geschrieben 25. Juni 2002 Ich habe zwei auf ihre Weise jeweils interessante Postings bei PPruNe zu dem von mir in einem inzwischen geschlossenen Posting erwähnten Report zur Sicherheit bei LCC gefunden. Der Erste stammt von der Webseite der BALPA, der zweite ist eine persönliche Meinung eines Forumteilnehmers dort, der lt. eigener Aussage ATCO ist. Er antwortet dabei auf die Angriffe von MOL gegen das erfolgreiche CHIRP-Programm (m.E. ein irisches Eigentor). Ich hoffe auf eine etwas objektivere Diskussion, vielleicht über Reporting Verfahren wie CHIRP? ---------------- BALPA-Webseitentext: ‘The recent report from an air traffic controller to the industry’s Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme (CHIRP) we believe to be aimed at one particular ‘no frills’ airline, ‘Ryanair – an Irish regulated airline with which BALPA has no formal arrangements. ‘Where we do have formal arrangements in place, and that is in virtually all UK airlines, including the ‘no frills’ carriers EasyJet, Go and Buzz, we find the report unfounded. ‘Most if not all major UK airports hold regular liaison meetings at which problems such as those described in the report can be discussed between Air Traffic Services and airline representatives and appropriate action taken. ‘The report states such occurrences to be the exception rather than the rule and raising awareness at such an early stage will ensure that any problems that have been identified as occurring in UK airspace will be immediately addressed and rectified.’ ------- Persönliches Posting eines Teilnehmers: Dear Mr O'Leary You seem to speak your mind, so here's mine: You can stuff your opinions where the sun don't shine. We work damned hard for all carriers and go the extra bit whether it's for a full cost carrier, a 3rd world carrier or even a low cost operator. People take the pi$$, which no doubt is the trigger for the Chirp report. I, as a muddled, confused, subjective ATCO agree totally with the colleague who had the balls to voice his/her genuine fears to Chirp. How dare you denegrate a publication as esteemed as Chirp. Mind you, anything which gets in the way of your self opinionated self adoration seems to suffer the same diatribe and treatment. You have single handedly shattered any goodwill there was between ATCOs and your company. Next time your Dublin - UK and Europe flights get stuck at FL190, don't go bleating that ATC aren't going out of their way to obtain higher levels, as from where I'm seeing things, I feel I'll subjectively make the decision to keep you down there. Kindest regards 160 [ Diese Nachricht wurde geändert von: AvroRJX am 2002-06-25 19:59 ]
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