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TMA Cargo's Zukunftspläne...


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Die Libanesische Frachtfluggesellschaft TMA Cargo (Trans Mediterranean Airways), die mit Boeing 707-300 Frachter und einem geleasten A310-300F fliegt, möchte laut Justplanes einen Airbus A320-200 wet-leasen um damit ins Passagier-Charter-Geschäft zu kommen.


Anscheinend wird die Mittelmeerküste von Libanon immer mehr von Touristen besucht!


Zudem habe ich auf der Homepage folgendes gefunden:

Also within the same context, TMA is conducting feasibility studies on several types of aircraft including Bombardier's Q400, ATR's 42-500 and 72-500, Embraer's ERJ-135 and ERJ-145, Saab 340 and 2000 and others, in order to determine their suitability to the company's planned operations, taking into consideration required payload capacity, flight range, and operating efficiency in the following two main areas:


1. Air Taxi aircraft, as TMA is currently studying the feasibility of this project in the Middle East and East Mediterranean regions.


2. Small Cargo aircraft, for regional operations and as feeder to larger types of aircraft that TMA is considering for the replacement of its B707 in the near future.


Naja... http://www.tma.com.lb


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