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Streiks in Spanien


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Three unions in Spain have announced 22 days of summer strikes. CCOO, UGT and the USO unions gave notice to the Ministry of Labor of multiple strikes called against the privatization of Aeropuertos Espanoles y Navegacion Aerea. AENA is the government agency that owns and manages most airports in Spain.


A union source reportedly indicated in a letter that there is "time enough" to avoid a strike if the government cancels its privatization plans for the national airports operator.


The unions have asked airport workers to stage strikes on 20, 21, 24, 25, and 30 April, 2, 14, 15, 19 and 20 May, 13, 23 and 30 June, 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 and 31 July, and 1, 15, 31 August. The news source reported millions of people are expected to travel to and from Spain on the strike dates as they are key holiday and summer vacation days.



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Spanish airport operators reach preliminary accord, may avert strike action


Spanish airport operator AENA and unions reached a preliminary agreement to call off 22 days of strike action between April and August (ATW Daily News, March 9), AENA said on Wednesday. “The agreement was reached after nearly 20 hours of talks,” it noted in a press release, adding that the accord still had to be voted on by workers.



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