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Aus der OS A340 Cabin Emergency Checklist:


Meine Damen und Herren,

Bitte beachten Sie folgende Sicherheitshinweise:

Vergewissern Sie sich, dass Ihr Handgepäck sicher unter dem Vordersitz oder im Gepäcksfach über Ihrem Sitz verstaut ist.

Dieses Flugzeug hat 8 Notausgänge - 4 an jeder Seite des Flugzeuges. Sie sind mit dem Wort "EXIT" gekennzeichnet. Im Falle einer Notwasserungkönnen Notrutschen als Rettungsboote verwendet werden.

Leuchtstreifen im Boden führen zu diesen Notausgängen.

Schließen Sie Ihren Sitzgurt immer, wenn das Anschnallzeichen leuchtet.

Durch einen einfachen Handgriff lässt sich der Gurt rasch wieder öffnen.

Aus Sicherheitsgründen empfehlen wir Ihnen, auch während des Fluges angeschnallt zu bleiben.

Im Falle eines Druckverlustes in der Kabine werden Sauerstoffmasken über Ihren Sitzen automatisch herausgeklappt. Ziehen Sie eine Maske zu sich herunter und befestigen Sie diese mit dem Gummiband über Nase und Mund.

Entsprechend den internationalen Sicherheitsvorschriften zeigen wir Ihnen jetzt die Handhabung der Schwimmwesten:

Ihre Schwimmweste befindet sich unter Ihrem Sitz. Im Falle einer Notwasserung ziehen Sie die Schwimmweste über den Kopf, schließen Sie den Verschluss vorne und ziehen Soe die Bänder straff. Blasen Sie die Schwimmweste erst nach Verlassen des Flugzeuges auf, indem Sie an den roten Knöpfen ziehen. Sollte es erforderlich sein, können Sie die Schwimmweste mit den Mundstücken aufblasen.


Malayia Airlines:


Tuantuan dan puanpuan, untuk keselamatan anda, kami akan menunjukkan cara-cara menggunakan peralatan keselamatan di dalam pesawat ini. Oleh sebeb prosedur keselamatan pesawat ini mungkin berbeza dengan yang lain, sila tumpukan perhatian anda kepada anak-anak kapal di depan kabin anda.


Ini tali pinggang keledar anda, untuk memasangnya, sila lekapkan plat logam ke dalam kepala tali pinggang keledar anda dan tarik ikatan tali pinggang untuk mengetatkannya. Untuk membukanya, angkatkan plat pada tali pinggang anda.


Sekiranya tekanan udara dalam kabin rendah, topeng oksigen seperti ini akan terkeluar dari unit di atas. Tarikkan topeng tersebut dengan serta merta dan sangkupkan kepada hidung dan mulut anda dan bernafaslah seperti biasa. Anda mesti memasangkan topeng oksigen pada diri sendiri sebelum melayan orang di bawah jagaan anda.


Jaket keselamatan terdapat di bawah tempat duduk anda. Sarungkan atas kepala seperti ini, dan pasangkan klip pinggang anda, dan tarikkan tali ini untuk mengetatkannya. Sebelum meninggalkan pesawat, gelembungkan separuh jaket keselamatan dengan menyentak tag kiri sahaja. Gelembungkan jaket keselamatan anda sepenuhnya dengan menyentak tag kanan selepas meninggalkan pesawat. Tiup dua corong ini untuk manambahkan angin dalam jaket. Tarik tag ini untuk menyala lampu pada waktu malam dan tiup wisel untul menarik perhatian. Pintu-pintu kecemasan dan gelongsong keluar terdapat di kedua-dua bahagian pesawat ini.


Sila ambil perhatian pintu-pintu dan tingkap-tingkap kecemasan yang berdekatan dengan anda. Sila tinggalkan semua barang-barang anda dan ikut arahan anak-anak kapal untuk keluar dengan cepat dan selamat. Kad keselamatan ini terdapat dalam saku tempat duduk di hadapan anda. Sila baca dengan teliti.


Terima kasih di atas perhatian anda.


Edit: Tippfehler beseitigt.

Malayia Airlines:


Edit: Tippfehler beseitigt.


Zum Glück hast Du den Tippfehler beseitigt. Ich wollte schon im oberlehrerhaften Ton ein entsprechendes Posting abschicken und auf dem Tippfehler herumreiten.






Vielleicht besser verständlich :-)


Malaysia Airlines, B737, englisch:


Ladies and Gentleman, for your safety we will now demonstrate the safety equipment aboard this aircraft. As the safety procedures on this aircraft may defere from other aircraft, we kindly ask for your full attention during this safety briefing.


This is your seatbelt. To fasten it, insert the metal link into the buckle and tighten the belt by pulling on the buckle strap. To unfasten your seatbelt, lift the metal flap.


Should the cabin preasure becomes low, an oxygen mask like this will drop from the compartment above you. Immediatly pull the mask towards you. Place the mask over your nose and mouth, place the headband tightly around your head and breathe normally. You must place the mask on yourself before attending to those under your care.


The lifejacket is under your seat. To use it, slip it over your head like this. Clip on the waistbands and pull them tight. While inside the aircraft, halfway inflate your lifejacket by only pulling the left tag. Pull the right tag to complete the inflation when you are outside the aircraft. To inflate it further blow into these two mouth pieces. Pull this plug to have the lights on at night, and blow this whistle to attract attention.


Emergency exits and escape slides are situated on both sides of the aircraft. Please take note of the window exits and the door nearest to you. If an emergency evacuation becomes necessary leave all your personal belongings behind and proceed to the emergency exit nearest to you. Please not that the nearest exit may also situated behind you.

For a quick and safe evacuation follow the instructions of the crew.


You find a copy of this safety information card in the pocket in front of you. Please read it carefully.


Thank you for your attention.


Malaysia Airlines, B777, Video, englisch


As we prepare for takeoff, it is important that you pay careful attention to the safety procedures of this aircraft.


On settling down, place your hand carried items under the seat in front of you, or in the overhead compartment. be extra careful when removing your personal posessions from this compartment.

Dont place your items on the aisles or at the exits.


To prepare for takeoff or landing, keep your seat upright with the table locked in its stored position. Please keep your seatbelt fastened during takeoff, landing and whenever you are seated. Be sure to observe this sign.

To fasten your seatbelt, insert the metal link into the buckle. Tighten the belt by pulling the strap. To unfasten lift the metal flap.


Should the cabin preasure become low, oxygen masks will drop from the compartment above you. Pull the mask firmly towards you to activate the oxygen flow. Place the mask over your nose and mouth, pull the headband fitted tightly around your head. Relax and breathe normally. You must place the oxygen mask on yourself before attending to those under your care.


In the unlikely event of an emergency water landing get your lifejacket from under your seat. Slip it over your head, clip on the waistbands and pull tightly. Inflate the lifejacket by pulling both tags sharply. This should only be done at the exit, just before leaving the aircraft.

To inflate it further blow into these two mouthpieces. To have this light on at night, pull this plug and make sure that the battery is emersed in water. Blow this whistle to attract attention.


This Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 has eight exits. Evacuation slides and rafts are located at all exits. Please take note of the exit nearest to you.

If an emergency evacuation is necessary, please leave all your personal belongings and proceed to the exit nearest to you. Escape path lights will guide you to the the exit.


Our crew are trained to handle such situations, so please follow their instructions for a safe evacuation.


Please note that all electronic devices must be switched off for takeoff and landing to avoid interference to the aircraft systems. The usage of mobile telephones and pagers is strictly prohibited at all times onboard this aircraft.


We wish to remind you that smoking is not permitted on this flight.


A safety information card is located in the seatpocket infront of you. Please read it carefully.


Thank you for your attention. Have a pleasent flight.


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