Pilotaxel Geschrieben 13. Juli 2010 Melden Geschrieben 13. Juli 2010 Hello everyone, i am new here so this is my first topic on this site....... I am from Greece, and my dream is to be an Airline Pilot, but the things here are not so good to do this....... In Germany is better than Greece, so i need from you to help me...... i want from you to answer in the following questions......How can i take the ATPL from Germany and how much it is cost? If i go to live in Germany what is the first step to take a job in Airline? I have upload a video in Youtube.....HOW TO BECOME AN AIRLINE PILOT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34m6eBNerM Thank you
Dummi Geschrieben 13. Juli 2010 Melden Geschrieben 13. Juli 2010 Well, the job market in germany for pilots is quite desperate as well. Prospects are slim as there are only two big blocks left who hire pilots, there are some smaller outfits and the whole of the general aviation, but most of those either do not pay well if at all and require you to pay your own type rating. And then there are quite a few pilots out of works, some with a lot of hours and type ratings. Anyway, training for a CPL in germany costs somewhere around 60.000 to 80.000 euros, if you need a few more hours easily up to 90.000. Both Air Berlin and Lufthansa offer cadet schemes, Lufthansa's of course is the far better choice, but getting one of the rare spots is more difficult as well. Air Berlin only has one course of around 12 to 15 cadets a year, and the training (including the type rating) costs 60.000€ but is "only" a Multi Pilot Licence (MPL) which binds you to the company for quite some time, flying for any other carrier during that time, even if Air Berlin goes bankrupt, is impossible. Lufthansa trains to the MPL standard as well with the same restrictions, however is in a much better shape economically. Both airlines require you to speak fluent german.
Boeing736 Geschrieben 13. Juli 2010 Melden Geschrieben 13. Juli 2010 Never forget: Most, if not all, German airlines require skills in German language.
Pilotaxel Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 Autor Melden Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 If i don't know the german language and know only the English it will be difficult for me ?
Dummi Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 Melden Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 Yup. Both english and german are needed for most german airlines, certainly for Lufthansa and Air Berlin where the official company language is german and even part of the documentation might be in german (though most i in english).
Pilotaxel Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 Autor Melden Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 How is the things for Hapag-Lloyd Kreuzfarhen? They have boeing 737-800's, is a good airline to take a job there?
Boeing736 Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 Melden Geschrieben 14. Juli 2010 Hapag Lloyd Kreuzfahrten is not an actual airline. The planes are operated for special "cruise-flights" by Tuifly so that it's very unlikely to get an employment there. Tuifly itself, like all other airlines, requires fluent German for thei rcrews. If I were you I would probably go for flight training in the US where language is not a barrier.
azhaG Geschrieben 15. Juli 2010 Melden Geschrieben 15. Juli 2010 Ti hlikia exeis? Dyskola vlepw ta pragmata gia sena..
Pilotaxel Geschrieben 16. Juli 2010 Autor Melden Geschrieben 16. Juli 2010 Ellinas eisai? Egw eimai 16 xronwn apo thessaloniki........( Sorry to everybody because i am talking in language not understood for you)
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