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Pacific Blue beendet Inlandsflüge in Neuseeland


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Pacific Blue zieht sich in Neuseeland aus dem Inlandsfluggeschäft zurück. Verbleibender Wettbewerber für Air NZ damit Jetstar, die täglich insgesamt 12 Flüge (verteilt auf 5 Inlandsstrecken) anbieten.


BRISBANE MONDAY 16 AUGUST 2010: The Virgin Blue Group of Airlines (VBA) Chief Executive Officer John Borghetti today announced the first phase of the Group’s network review aimed at delivering increased competition and capturing growth opportunities.


Mr Borghetti said: “As we enter a new era for Virgin Blue it is vital that we have the right aircraft on the right routes if we are to fully exploit our competitive advantages in the context of the Group’s three core business: domestic short haul, international medium haul and international long haul.


“We are adding capacity to routes with strong revenue potential and accordingly, removing capacity from services which are underperforming,” he said. “Pacific Blue will cease flying New Zealand domestic routes and redeploy its New Zealand-based aircraft on to trans-Tasman and medium haul international routes. Guests holding forward bookings on New Zealand domestic routes from 18 October onward will be provided with re-accommodation and refund options,” he said.


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