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Alles hat sein Gutes. Durch den Eirjet-Verflieger drauf gebracht, macht Ryanair in Ballykelly eine neue Base auf. Hier die Ryanair-Pressemitteilung - bis zum Ende lesen.


Ryanair, Europe’s largest low fares airline, today (Saturday, 1st April 2006) announced its 16th European base, in Derry Ballykelly airport.


On Wednesday last, the independent surveyors, Eirjet, working on behalf of Ryanair held an impromptu meeting with representatives from Ballykelly Airport Loading and Logistics Services (BALLS). The military precision of the operation, un-congested, low cost facilities, impeccable turn out and well-drilled staff led Eirjet to advise Ryanair that these were clearly people it could do business with.


Announcing the new base today, Leo Hairy Camel, Ryanair’s CEO designate said:


“This is not a load of Barracks. Since its inception, Ryanair has been waging war on high cost airports, and our announcement today of a new base at Costa Del Ballykelly is just another of our military manoeuvres to continue to lower fares for European consumers. Ballykelly Airport is a breath of fresh air and this development marks the demise of Taj-Mahal airports run by fat cats. Ballykelly secured this base by fluke despite intense competition from over 50 airports throughout Europe. Airport operators the length and breadth of Europe are today taking note that the future of airports lies in simple, functional, low cost facilities. Ryanair’s new route from Ballykelly to Nocincz (pronounced Nochance) will go on sale today on www.ryanair.com/aprilfooledyou”.


Just for info: bin am Wochenende mit dem Jet geflogen und hab mir ein Bild vom Sitzabstand usw machen koennen. Der Ryanair-Rueckflug war Luxus dagegen aber mehr dazu in ein paar Tagen beim Triport


Gruss aus MAN


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