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Schwachstellen bei der Luftverkehrsaufsicht in Deutschland

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Das Wall-Street-Journal berichtet diese Woche davon, dass Deutschland nach Griechenland die meisten Mängel in der Luftverkehrsaufsicht hatte. Die EASA hat einen Bericht erstellt, der diverse Audits staatlicher Einrichtungen, unter anderem des Luftfahrt-Bundesamtes, zusammenfasst.



[...] One EASA audit of Germany’s LBA last year, which became part of the annual report, found four shortcomings critical to safety. These included the LBA’s failure to spot airline deficiencies meeting crew-training requirements and to detect cases when aircrews had exceeded their duty-time limits. Crew fatigue is a major concern in aviation safety. [...]


The commission last year sued Germany in an EU court over airport-security failures. In November 2014, EASA warned that chronic staffing shortfalls could undermine German regulators’ ability to run checks of carriers and crew, including medical checks. Four months later, Andreas Lubitz, a Germanwings co-pilot who suffered from depression, crashed a plane into the French Alps, killing all 150 people onboard. The EASA annual report makes no mention of the Germanwings disaster.


[...] German shortfalls partly reflect long-running understaffing at the Luftfahrtbundesamt, industry official said. Posts have frequently been filled by staff from other ministries facing downsizing, putting inexperienced personnel in charge of aviation oversight.


Zusätzlich dazu hat die EU-Kommission die Bundesrepublik Deutschland wegen Nichteinhaltung ihrer vertraglichen Verpflichtungen verklagt. Das Aktenzeichen ist C-481/15. [ABl. C 371 vom 9.11.2015, S. 16–17]


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