OliverWendellHolmesJr Geschrieben 31. Dezember 2016 Melden Geschrieben 31. Dezember 2016 Robert Jensen has spent his career restoring order after mass fatalities: identifying remains, caring for families, and recovering personal effects. Here’s how he became the best at the worst job in the world. A team stumbled and hacked its way through the jungle. The group had a vague idea of where they were headed and what they would find there. Days before, search planes flying high above the Andean foothills had spotted the debris of a crashed helicopter dotting a steep, rocky slope. Reaching the tangled mess would be impossible from the air, so the team had set off on foot. Lesenswert über eine Person und einen Job der man dann doch viel Freizeit/wenig Bedarf wünscht. Quelle.
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