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Empfohlene Beiträge


Workshop Belastung der Mitarbeiter bei der Flugzeug-Enteisung

am 22.2.2018 in Frankfurt:

·       Study of the Effects of Postures and Activities on Heart Rate Variability (Le Floch, T., Nadeau, S., Morency, F., Landau, K. )

·       FRAM: A Complex System's Approach for the Evaluation of Aircraft On-ground Deicing Operations  (Slim, H., Nadeau, S., Morency, F)

·       Ergonomics of aircraft de-icing : Simulation of musculoskeletal disorders on upper limbs for manual de-icing operations(Grébot, J., Nadeau, S., Landau, K.)

·       Workload analysis and ergonomic  evaluation of aircraft de-icing work (Landau, K., Nadeau, S., Le Floch, T., Morency, F. ).


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